The kids were mouthing off to my host mom saying dirty things about fecal matter, not wanting to get in the bath, and so and and so forth... They were screaming and throwing their socks at each other and me, then eventually off of the first floor indoor-balcony thing into the living room. Eventually it led the mom having to take out her secret weapon. Chucky. She has a small stuffed animal version of chucky, the killer doll from the "Child's Play" movies. It scares the twins to the point that they will sprint up stairs, sneak into my room and hide in my closet.
She took him out and they both dove behind me peeking around my back. My host mom put chucky over her face and said (in english) "Hello! I'm chucky!" they started to get more scared "I'm chucky! I am hungry! Onaka ga suita yo!" Hikari started to realize she should not have thrown her socks. "I'm chucky! Fuck Bullshit!" It sounds bad that she cursed but they really had no idea what she was saying, I'm not sure she knew what she was saying. They both bolted upstairs and into the moms room. My room and the moms room have windows that open into the house. They both look down into the kitchen (where she was standing.) So she threw the chucky doll into her window and it landed in her room. Moments later the twins bolted out screaming at the top of their lungs. Then they went into my room, but the mom had already gotten upstairs and reclaimed chucky. She cornered Hikari who immediately began sobbing and saying (in Japanese) "I'm sorry Chucky! I'M SORRY CHUCKY~!!!!!"
This made my mom feel a little bad, even though it was pretty hilarious. So she said "who wants to go to Lucky Pierrot (the santa restaurant) for some ice cream or milkshakes?" That cheered them twins up real fast. We grabbed out stuff and got in the car. Hikari brought her recorded to serenade us in the car ride. She doesn't know how to play the recorder, she just knows how to blow into it as hard as she possibly can to create a vast jump in overtones so it kills your ear drums... this started the next game for my mom. "If you play your recorded at night snakes will come!!!!"...

Getting shakes with mom...
Moseley says your sisters seem like boys. Just so you know I said things like their mom says to them hoping that you did not understand them, but of course you did. Someday you will be a really great dad because of your experience with these girls. You are finally seeing children from a parents (or adults) perspective. Have fun!!
CHUCKY! HAHAHA brilliant.
Where can I get a Chucky Doll?
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