My host family was taking the day off to go to Aomori to see a concert. I wasn't invited so I stayed home. They left at 9:00am and let's see, it's currently about 8:30pm. I've had this house to myself for a while! I haven't slept past 6:30 am so I'm getting a little run down but let me recap what I did today.
I played piano for 29012908532 hours by myself and sang as loud as I wanted. Take that.
I played on my computer. ( I learned that "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence. Don't believe me? Highlight that and google it, it's a grammatically correct sentence.)
I played more piano.
I went for a long ass walk only to find that the farther I walk from my house the less cool it looks. That's ok though, I went to the ocean and checked that out, it was cool. The stores in my area aren't very cool though. That's ok, it'll help me focus when I have work to do.
I made dinner for myself. My host mom left me lunch (two giant Onigiri... if you don't know what onigiri is google it. Then find some for yourself because it's GOOD.) For dinner she left me microwavable curry. It might not be any class curry, but it did the job, that's for sure.
I don't have any interesting news to report other than I stopped to take a picture of some boxes this afternoon and an old lady yelled at me. I'm not sure what she said because old people are hard to understand. American old people talk slow and are easy to understand, usually. Japanese ones talk fast and don't make any sense. I was just down on one knee snapping an picture and she wanted to ride her bike by. I didn't see her waiting then she was like "BLAH BLAH BLAH!" and I was scared so I pushed her, I felt she was attacking me. She picked her bike up over her head and waved it in the air to threaten me some more. This didn't sit well with me, as we all know, I don't like to be threatened with bikes so I used... what the hell am I writing?
Here are some of my favorite quotes from my host family thus far...
We just picked up the two twins from school...
Host Mom: I'd love to live by myself now. Getting married isn't worth it.
Host Sister: Mom! But wouldn't you be lonely without dad?
Host Mom: Nah. I could do whatever I wanted to do. I wouldn't be bored. Maybe in my next life I won't get married and I'll do whatever I want...
Host Sister: You'll get lonely!
Host Mom: ... or maybe your dad and I will just get divorced when I turn 60, that's still young enough to have fun.
The twins didn't think that was funny. I did.
I was woken by one of my 8 year old host sisters yelling "お母さん!スゴイうんちだよ!” which translates to about "MOM! Oh my god! look at my huge poop!"
The two twins are such a pleasure to be around. They couldn't be more different too. One is a really girly girl and loves school and learning. The other is an artsy tomboy who likes to make mean faces at me. When my host mom said "Zip up your fly!" she said "NO! Besides, it's easier to go to the bathroom when it's down, I'd have to unzip it to take my pants off anyway." It'll be interesting to see the differences in 10 years.
Tomorrow I start school. Thank god. Anything that keeps me busy will be great.
By the way, here's the picture of the boxes the old lady got mad about...
Graet picture, even though the lady almost beat you up. Those twins sound amazing. You are getting a taste of how kids can drive their mom crazy...which you of course never did. Hope school is fun tomorrow. And keep writing these, I read them and I am sure lots of other people do.
I read them too! Hi Michael! Come to Saitama.
I read them as well!!! Keep 'em coming.
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