Getting undressed wasn't bad to start with. I get undressed and walked away from my little locker and turn the corner (you get a small hand towel to cover yourself with while walking to the bath/shower area) and run into, making full contact with a small Japanese woman. I stress WOMAN because I was completely naked. Luckily, she was fully clothed or it would have made it more awkward. I was so surprised and embrassed that I kind of muttered "oh my god" and started laughing. She too started laughing. This was a new thing I learned: The entire cleaning staff at the Onsen is female.
I walked on over to the shower area. This wasn't too awkward, it wasn't that crowded this time, though since it was a new Onsen, I got a lot of looks again. (I don't think this will ever change so I'm not too worried/upset by it). I sat down in the large, very hot bath and began to try to relax. (You must imagine, running into an old lady while naked doesn't just "go away" from your nerves in a few minutes). I moved over to another bath, this one was bubbling and there were two people in it. I sat down in it, within fifteen seconds both men had stared at me, and left the bath with dirty looks. They didn't seem like nice people anyway. This bath was easily the hottest water I'd ever been submerged in. It hurt but felt good at the same time. It was a very strange feeling. I got out and I don't think Japan had ever seen something so red before. People stared again, most likely because they were surprised at the range of colors my skin was showing. Super blinding white to bright pink-red. Anyway...
I walked back to the first bath and sat down. In jumps two naked eight-ish year old girls with their dad. They stare directly at me, whisper to their dad. he giggles. They mosey over to me and start talking to me, asking me why I am so red, asking me where I am from, if I know Japanese. This was easily the most awkward and uncomfortable feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. Taking a bath with two naked girls who I didn't know while a bunch of old Japanese men watched me. I kept my eyes fixed straight ahead as I didn't want to make the mistake of looking the wrong way. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking "Girls! I AM NAKED. I am RIGHT HERE! I would be arrested for this so fast in my country." It lasted for only thirty seconds seconds or so, but in "awkward-situation-time" that's close 2 minutes and 47.3 seconds.
I got up and walked to the outside bath to seek refuge from the girls. I sat outside in the bath for a while and walked back inside because the clock said 8:05 and I was meeting my host mom and host sister in the lobby at 8:15.
I don't think I'll have to write any more entries about Onsens because nothing will get as weird as this. Seriously. I probably shouldn't have even shared this story. And to be honest, the Onsens are awesome, they are so relaxing. Just not when there are little kids near you.
that is sooo hilarious and awkward! the girls, the old lady, the red skin!! you are having some ridiculous experiences!!
If you want to use the hot tub in Michigan, there will be no little girls, no cleaning help and you do not have to be naked. Sure it will not be as cool as the baths in Japan but it is private. (well maybe the people on the lother side of the lake will watch you through binoculars).
Matthew loves this picture and wants to now go swimming with you. And since Matthew is a chick magnet - he'd be sure to keep those 8 year olds coming your way!
Maybe we should call you "Lobster Boy"!
oprah's network is looking 4 u now!!
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