Starting in the summer after I graduated I high school, they started doing construction on block. Most of this was cutting down trees. They'd start at about 6:30 or 7:00 am and work til about noon. The trees weren't just little trees, those huge hundred-year-old fifty footers. It was noisy, it drove me crazy. I remember one evening I really wanted to get sleep so I slept at my friends house where there was no construction in site. At 6:00 am, a tree got cut down right outside the window of the room I was in.
(First year of college...over)
Next summer we moved into a new townhome. All of the unit were basically finished but the street outside of them needed a lot of work done. That whole summer they cut bricks for the sidewalk, tore up the street, put in a new watermane (spelling?), and tore out the old curb and put a new one in. I rarely slept past 7:45. Jump to next summer...
The following summer (this past summer) I moved back home so I could prep myself for my trip to Africa and my trip to Japan. The "new" watermane that was put in the past summer, needed to be replaced. This took most of the summer. The tore up the street, dug 7 foot deep holes, ripped up chunks of curb, the whole deal again. It drove me crazy. When they dug the really deep holes, they would jackhammer with the truck-jackhammer type things. This caused the house to shake so hard that it broke the tiles in my moms bathroom.
(Are you starting to see the pattern?)
Jump to thanksgiving break...It's finally the end of school for me for a while. I am going to catch up on sleep and get ready for Japan....wrong. Construction on my moms damaged bathroom starts every morning at 7:00. Luckily this only takes a few days but it's still ridiculous.
So I get on a plane, fly to Japan and here I am now. I woke up this morning (Saturday) at 7:00 am... why? you ask. Because they are doing construction on the street outside of my house. That's why.
It's tough being stuck in an old vaudeville routine.
P.S. Dear "Unclejohnny" the Sumie Painting is not mine. I am way better than that painting. WAY better. My teacher did that one.
mike!! it followed me too!! there is construction on 3 of the 4 sides of my block here!! its a malarkey curse!!
Mike the Mather and the Georgian are both under construction.7:00am like clockwork.
How come the comstructions workers are not even dirty? You will get home just in time for the redline construction at Fullerton.
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