Well that looks like a dinky slider compared to what Burger King is now offering... In an attempt to celebrate the release of Windows 7 Japanese Burger King made the "Windows 7 Whopper" with 7 beef patties...

If this isn't a wake up call for America I don't know what is! We're STILL the fattest nation in the world by a long shot and guess what? We only have Triple Whoppers. Japan now has Septuple Whoppers (for a limited time) Want to see what America did to celebrate windows 7? If you have a moment watch this video, it's probably the lamest attempt to make people excited for anything ever...
I thought it was fake, but after research, I've found it to be legit...
It's awkward and jerky and uncomfortable. Nothing any of these people say is funny, yet they continue to laugh. I don't want to see these people hanging out with each other and I DEFINITELY don't want them to try and teach me how to have a party. It's worse than any PSA I saw when I was child.
So, Which do you think is going to give Windows 7 better press... a 7 Layers-of-meat-burger? or instructions on how to have a party that will make your friends never call you again?
Holy Moly.
I'd rather die of a heart attack than go to that party! Septuple Whopper here please, a double order of fries and a triple thick milk shake to wash it down with an ambulance to go... rush. Sorry folks I won't be able to attend your party I have more important business... a bypass.
Sadly that Septuple would sell anything here in the US because as you said we are the FATTEST country in the world.
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