Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Case of the Shakes...

So I was having this dream last night, I don't remember what it was about it...but I new I was enjoying it. Then I suddenly woke up at the sound of birds SCREAMING. Then I realized I was being shaken a lot by a decently strong earthquake and my host mom was screaming "Earthquake! Earthquake!" from her bedroom. It lasted pretty long, 40 seconds. It was just over a 4 on the Richter scale, the epicenter was a 6.8 or a 6.9 which is pretty darn strong, it was pretty far from here luckily. But it's still pretty crazy. here's a link to a news article about it...

It's not my first earthquake, but it was just at that level where it got strong enough to just barely scare me. Earthquakes are REALLY bizarre. It's not like a heavy thunderstorm where right before it happens you know. You also know what's going on right when a thunderstorm happens. You'll see rain or you'll hear a big BOOM. Everytime I've been in an earthquake, my initial reaction is "who is shaking me/my chair/my bed." It literally feels like someone is just shaking your chair from behind. Until you realize that everything is shaking. Then you're like "whoa weird! HAH!" Then it turns into "fuck! What am I supposed to do? Get under the desk? Is this the one where you go in the doorway? Should I go to the basement? Am I supposed to use my seat cushion as a flotation device?" All of my emergency procedures get mixed up... then it's over. and then for the next day you are constantly checking to see if an earthquake is happening by sitting as still as you can. Surely you will convince yourself that there is kind of an earthquake isn't.

Anyway since I only have a few more weeks left here and to encourage people to leave some type of comment... I'd be more than happy to answer any questions people might have about me being here in Japan. Especially since I enjoy writing this as a break from burning my brain with Japanese and I recently haven't had much to write about...



Unknown said...

As Moseley said the quake was "the wrath of Chucky". You had better leave Japan soon before the twins do something really bad and Chucky finds out where they live and has a quake even closer to them.

The big question is, what food do you want the most when you get home?

kate said...

Who's on first?

kate said...

If there was a man-eating octopus and you HAD to either throw me or Susanna to it for food, who would you pick and why?

Gosh, I like this open-ended question thing...

Alex said...
