There was a plane about to land in Japan, a regular domestic flight. As they checked the wheels, they realized the front set could not drop. This made a problem. Though the plane was large and safe, there were propellors so if they touched the ground there was sure to be a problem. They decided it best to do the following, put all the wheels down that were possible (all except those in the front of the plane.) Then fly around for two extra hours and wait until all the fuel was gone so they wouldn't blow up. While this was happening, they cleared the whole runway and sprayed it with fire extinguisher foam. The plane landed completely fine. In fact not a single person was injured. The font of the plane dragged on the ground and made nothing more than a few sparks, then the plane stopped and everyone deboarded. Apparently, they did, however, countdown to the landing which would have scared the crap out of me. "ONE MINUTE UNTIL LANDING.... THIRTY SECONDS....FIFTEEN...FIVE...FOUR...THREE...TWOOO.... OOOONNNNEEEE." Tell me that's not good preparation...

Of course as always there are pictures to be shown... the Spring Break Trip pictures were just uploaded and are ready to be viewed at ...
Is this the same plane we're taking to Tokyo? I hope they fix the front wheels before we try to take off.
Two muffins were sitting in an oven. The first muffin said "It sure is hot in here." The second muffin says "Holy shit! A talking muffin!"
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